SMRT Engages in Natural Fibre Industry Advancement

5/4/20231 min read

SM8RT recently participated in the Natural Fibre Special Interest Group event hosted by NIACE at the Irish Linen Centre & Lisburn Museum. The event brought together a diverse group of professionals from the natural fibre industry, ranging from farmers to end product users. The SM8RT team was thrilled to engage in meaningful discussions and collaborations aimed at developing the natural fibre supply chain.

The event resulted in actionable next steps for propelling the industry forward, with a focus on sustainability and growth. SM8RT is excited about the potential for significant progress in creating a more sustainable and thriving natural fibre industry. The team is eager to explore new partnerships and collaborations to help bring this vision to life.

SM8RT extends its gratitude to NIACE for hosting the inspiring event and to the Irish Linen Centre & Lisburn Museum for providing a beautiful venue for this important gathering. The team looks forward to continuing these conversations and collaborations in the future, and is excited about the potential for positive change in the natural fibre industry.